Our mission is to reduce the number one cause of teen deaths- Car Crashes. We strive to educate, inform, and assist drivers of all ages in becoming safer and more alert of their driving habits and surroundings. We hope that by bringing awareness to this growing problem, many lives will be saved, and we can reduce the number of traffic violations and collisions.
What is The S.T.O.P. Class
The S.T.O.P Class is a driver education program that teaches the consequences of committing traffic violations. We use experienced professionals from various fields who have the knowledge and passion to help increase your skills, awareness, and understanding of traffic laws in multiple scenarios on the road.
The S.T.O.P. Class covers a wide variety of traffic-related material, including:
License Suspensions
Informing you of any new or modified traffic laws
The dangers of racing
Sharing the road with motorcycles
The dangers of texting while driving
Seat belt safety
The risks of drug and alcohol use
Real-life stories and powerful videos
Along with several other topics
The word S.T.O.P. is used as an acronym to assist drivers in obtaining the correct information to make the best decision in any traffic scenario.​
S- STOP all distractions
T- Think of the consequences​
O- Observe your surroundings, circumstances,and situations
P- Prevent as many negative consequences as you can
"I've worked with many families in their time of grief, which motivated me to bring safety and awareness to young drivers."-
Sgt. Ronnie Young